The River Spey Anglers Association (RSAA) is a voluntary organisation led by anglers on behalf of anglers and enjoys a membership spread throughout the UK who care passionately about Salmon and The River Spey. We are extremely active in encouraging the uptake of fishing particularly amongst young people, offering continual opportunities throughout the season to learn the sport on the river or nearby fisheries.

The RSAA seeks to be a voice for its members, locally and nationally on all matters relating to The Spey and Government Policy advising members of emerging issues. It seeks to assist statutory bodies in the drive for sustainability and conservation and is represented as a co-optee member of the Local Spey Fishery Board
Follow us on Facebook for all upcoming and previous events
Selected recent events

Rural Skills and Angling Course
Eight young people from S3 an Speyside High School enjoyed a two day course at Upper Arndilly on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th September- What a brilliant way to end the fishing season for 2021! Click here to see more…

Spey Dam Visit – RSAA Committee
Roger Knight, Spey Fishery Board Director, recently hosted a visit to Spey Dam for RSAA Committee members. The purpose of the visit was to allow members to see at first hand the problems being caused by water abstraction, particularly in the upper reaches of the river. Click here to see more…