Why was the RSAA formed?
The River Spey Anglers’ Association came into being in November 2003 following a series of meetings on Speyside in response to an expressed wish by anglers both local and from further afield to become involved with, and to have a voice in, the future development of angling on the River Spey.
How many members does RSAA have?
There are currently 105 senior members In addition we have 35 Junior members aged from 6-17.
How is the RSAA run?
The RSAA is run by a democratically elected committee of seven locally based office bearers and ordinary members that meets around once every six weeks to discuss business matters relevant to the Association and its ongoing activities. All the committee members are keen and dedicated Spey anglers interested in the welfare of the River Spey. An annual general meeting is held in November each year to elect committee members and office bearers and to approve the annual audited accounts. For a full list of the RSAA constitution and rules click here.
What is RSAA’s objective?
Our mission is to promote, protect and improve sporting angling on the River Spey, and maintain the well-being of the river including the maintenance of stocks of salmon, seatrout and brown trout. In addition, we represent the views of member anglers to those bodies tasked by statute with the management of the River Spey and its catchment.
What are our key aims?
RSAA is the angler’s representative at meetings of the Spey Fishery Board (the governing body for the River Spey Fishery).
We have several strategic objectives:
- To maintain a strong and unified voice for Spey anglers.
- To advise and assist the Spey Fishery Board where appropriate
- To provide an ongoing forum for the views of Spey anglers
- To introduce new enthusiasts to angling – particulary young people.
- To promote high standards of angling ability and angler safety.
How can we be contacted?
Go to the Navigation Bar above and click on Contact. Here you will find a box. Complete it to contact us.
RSAA is a Community Amateur Sports Association HMRC Ref CHO662